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Introducing the online booth!

Online booth flow
◆ Introducing the flow of support for online booths.
1. Booth contract

The contract will be made after you are satisfied with the quotation and design. We will ask you about the contents of the product display, the items to be exhibited, etc., and discuss the future schedule.

2. Product shipping
Please send the exhibits used at the exhibition to us.
In some cases, you may be asked to send it directly to the exhibition hall.
3. Booth decoration
On the first day of construction, we will decorate the booth.
We will also install PCs, webcams, the Internet, etc. so that you can have online business negotiations.
4. Exhibition display
After the booth decoration is completed, the exhibits will be displayed according to the instructions given by the customer.
In some cases, we do it online.
5. Customer support
The companion who lives in the booth will explain the product.
If you need more specialized explanation, we will connect online and the customer will respond online and explain.
6. Exhibition end
After the exhibition is over, we will put together the exhibits and prepare for shipping.
Booth removal work will begin.
7. Product return

We will ship the exhibits used after the exhibition to our customers.

8. Result report
We will organize the contents of business negotiations held during the exhibition period, customer list, etc. and send them to customers as a file. Business cards and detailed records will be sent by mail.
We will hold reflection meetings and help you to have a better exhibition at the next exhibition.
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